
Can You Beat Your Friends In A Financial Kitchen Talk?

You’ve been with FBS for a while and learned a lot about finance. Take a test and see if you can outsmart your uncle, your mom, and your friends while talking about money at the kitchen table.

Choose the correct definition for the words in CAPS and find out if you are the one people will look up for at the informal money conversations.



Success story: how to triple your profit with social trading


We gave you a lot of success stories of traders on Forex, but this time we want to share a pretty special success – the one made in FBS CopyTrade app.

First of all, you don’t need to know Forex much to profit with this app. It’s way simpler. You can make investments, follow the selected professionals’ strategies in the app, copy the leading traders and gain fabulous profits with your actions.

Once you join the trading network, you automatically get the following features such as catalog of the best market performers, detailed information per each trader, statistical charts on the traders’ performance, etc. After the recent update you can also start getting profit with minimum investments and little fixed 5% commission from your profit to any trader.


Insider Look At Full-Time Trading: Pitfalls, Pros & Cons

Imagine how cool it would be if you could go to the future and see how your choices worked out? Like, anytime you have a decision to make, you just ask your future self: "Dude, was it a good idea?"

Guess what? It's possible! Well, not the future self part, but knowing how things work before you actually go for them. If you want to know what your conversion to trader might be like, just check out these insights from traders who've been there already.



The “Will You Ever Be Rich?” Test

Your future plans can change over the course of time, but the way you plan your future tells a lot about your personality. Take a test and see if your plans will ever bring you a lot of money.

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The big game by Donald Trump

Oh, these tweets by Mr. Trump! They tend to move the markets a lot these days. Today we provide you an opportunity to look inside the head of the US President and see what markets he is about to shake next. At the end of the test, you will find out how good you are in reading the president's mind and analyzing the markets. But be careful: as you know, his thoughts are extremely complicated! Some of the thoughts won’t affect the markets.

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Beware of a black cat! 5 traders' superstitions

Everyone knows that despite trading being a system based on analysis, traders are quite superstitious folk. The element of the luck still has a place on the market. What superstitions do traders follow on their market adventures – black cats? Spilled coffee? Red clothes? Let’s find out and try to explain the unexplainable!

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Don’t waste your time – keep track of how NFP affects the US dollar and profit!

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